Curt Mastio
By Curt Mastio on March 25, 2024

KPIs You Need to Scale Your Saas Company

Keeping up in a rapidly evolving Software as a Service (SaaS) landscape requires a laser-focused approach to monitoring and managing performance. 

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) enable SaaS startups and established companies to gauge their progress, make informed decisions, and ultimately, scale their operations efficiently. But with so many KPIs available, how do you select the real game-changers for SaaS scalability? 

Our comprehensive guide will walk you through the KPIs integral to taking your SaaS company to the next level.

Customer Acquisition KPIs

New customer acquisition is central to managing (and growing) top-line revenue. The following KPIs help you ensure a continuous stream of new users that drive stable cash flow.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

MRR is the lifeblood of SaaS companies. It shows how predictable your income streams are and provides a snapshot of your company’s health. To scale effectively, your MRR should grow consistently month over month. 

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

CAC measures the cost of gaining a new customer. A high CAC relative to your profit margin means you’re spending too much on acquisition, and it can take considerable time to recoup that cash. Scalability requires a refined customer acquisition process to reduce CAC without sacrificing the quality of leads.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

CLV predicts how much revenue a customer will bring over the entire relationship with your business. A high CLV allows you to spend more on acquisition, which can fuel your scalability. It’s also an indicator of solid customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Conversion Rates

From trial sign-ups to paid subscriptions, efficient conversion means your marketing and sales funnels work well. Any bottleneck in this process can stifle growth. Understanding and optimizing these conversion rates is essential for scalability.

Customer Success and Retention KPIs

Once you’ve acquired a new customer, how long do they stay? Managing these KPIs can help you improve products and processes that keep customers returning month after month.

Churn Rate

High churn indicates that your product might not meet customer needs or expectations. Reducing churn is like plugging a leak in a sinking ship – it’s crucial for maintaining and accelerating growth.

Customer Satisfaction

Happy customers are loyal customers. Measuring satisfaction through tools like Net Promoter Score and customer feedback surveys can give insights into how likely customers are to recommend your product to others.

Renewal Rate and Expansion Revenue

A high renewal rate and consistent expansion revenue from existing customers provide a solid foundation for growth. Encouraging upsells and cross-sells can significantly increase your scalability.

Time to Value (TTV) and Customer Onboarding Metrics

The sooner customers derive value from your product, the more likely they will stay. Monitoring TTV and improving your onboarding process can positively impact customer retention.

Product Engagement and Usage KPIs

These KPIs measure how much your customers use and like your products.

Active Users and User Growth Rate

An engaged user base indicates a product that offers value. Monitoring active user numbers and their growth over time helps gauge the success of new features and updates.

Session Duration and Frequency

Frequent, extended use indicates that your product is deeply integrated into their workflow. High session frequencies and durations are also positive indicators.

Customer Feedback and Product Improvement Metrics

Listening to your customers and improving your product based on their feedback is ongoing. Implementing feedback-driven development helps ensure your product remains competitive.

Financial Performance KPIs

The above measurements often impact your SaaS business’s financial results, which you can manage with the following KPIs.

Gross Margin and Operating Margin

Your margins and profits are what’s left after paying expenses. Healthy margins are necessary for reinvestment and long-term sustainability.

Cash Burn Rate and Runway

Cash is king, especially in the startup phase. Carefully monitoring your burn rate against the cash you have on hand will tell you how long your business can operate without additional funding.

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) and Total Contract Value (TCV)

ARR and TCV show the yearly incoming revenue from one-time and recurring customers, providing much-needed clarity to your growth trajectory and customer stickiness.

Cost per Install (CPI)

Valid for SaaS apps with a mobile component, CPI is a critical metric for mobile-based SaaS companies. How much are you spending for each install, and how does that translate into customer value?

Operational Efficiency and Scalability KPIs

These KPIs show how efficient your business is and can indicate your scalability.

Average Revenue per User (ARPU)

ARPU measures how much customers are willing to pay for your service. Increasing ARPU through up- and cross-selling is often easier than acquiring new customers, and it can be a substantial driver of scalability.

Cost per Lead and Marketing ROI

Acquisition isn’t just about the cost but the return on your investment. Understanding your marketing ROI and optimizing cost per lead helps you direct your resources toward scalable growth.

Data-driven Decision Making and Monitoring

In today’s fast-paced world, real-time monitoring is not just an edge but an imperative. Staying on top of your evolving KPIs enables quick, strategic decisions.

Sophisticated dashboards and analytics tools enable just that. They allow you to visualize and understand complex data trends. Actionable data allows for faster, more informed decisions.

Tracking the Right KPIs for Your SaaS Company

SaaS companies have a unique advantage in collecting vast user and operation data. By leveraging this data wisely and tracking the KPIs that truly matter, any SaaS enterprise can take the necessary steps toward scalability. 

But remember, KPIs are essential, but only as good as the action you take from them. They should guide strategic decisions and operational changes that will drive sustainable growth. 

You don’t need to do all this on your own. By working with an expert team, like the one at Founder’s CPA, to leverage the wealth of technological tools available, you can build a SaaS company that thrives in an increasingly digital world.

Contact us today to leverage your KPIs to build more efficient and profitable operations.

Published by Curt Mastio March 25, 2024
Curt Mastio